
2014 Summer Movie Awards

Movies seen this summer – Captain America:The Winter Soldier; Transcendence; The Other Woman; The Amazing Spider-Man 2; Neighbors; X-Men Days of Future Past ; How to Train Your Dragon 2

Best Dude – James McAvoy/Michael Fassbender : Professor X/Magento : X-Men Days of Future Past

Best Dudette – Emma Stone : Gwen Stacy : The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Best Scene – Logan waking up at the end of XMen Days of Future Past and walking through the Mansion. 

Best Fight – Captain/Falcon vs the Winter Soldier on the Hellicarriers - Captain American:The Winter Soldier

--Honorable Mention - Zac Efron vs Seth Rogan - Neighbors

Best Fight –
Captain/Falcon vs the Winter Soldier on the Hellicarriers - Captain American:The Winter Soldier

Biggest Dud – Transcendence - I liked the idea of the movie, but it was just slow.  Johnny Depp’s monotone voice didn’t help it out.  The supporting cast was the best part of the movie.

Anticipated Sequel – Avengers 2 : Age of Ultron – Tying in Capt 2, Thor 2, Gaurdians and Iron Man 3….again all together. It’s gonna be awesome.

Summer movie not seen that I want too – Draft Day ; Chef  ; Maleficent  ; Transformers 4 ; Tammy ; Planes 2 ; Guardians of the Galaxy ; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ; Expendables 3