
2017 Summer Movie Awards

Movies seen - Fast 8, Guardians of the Galaxy, Wonder Woman, Cars 3, Spider-Man:Homecoming, Baby Driver, Logan Lucky

Best Flick : Wonder Woman

Best Dude : Tom Holland - Peter Parker/Spiderman -- This kid is SPIDERMAN.  He delivered on how Spidey and Peter should be growing as a kid and trying to be what he wants to be, a superhero like Iron Man.  Michael Keaton is a close 2nd here with his rendition of the Vulture is perfect too!

Best Dudette : Gal Gadot - Wonder Woman -- Well Hollywood, here is your female action super hero and she kicked some major ass.  

Best Scene : Peter going to pick up Liz for the homecoming dance and the big reveal (SPOILER!!) that Liz's dad is Adrian Toomes.  Peter knows exactly who he is and Adrian uses all his interactions with Spidey to figure out that that he is Spiderman.  Toomes then does the "dad talk" but also threatens Spiderman.  

Best Fight :  Wonder Woman, shedding the cloak in the trenches and taking the shield and entering "No Man's Land" and taking on the Germans, leading the American's and Steve Trevor and crew to break through.  - Wonder Woman

Biggest Dud : Fast 8 – The series for the most part has been going on an upward trend, and this is the first flick, since Tokyo Drift, that Paul Walker’s Brian wasn’t involved, and I think that this flick misses him a lot.  The reliance on Dom and the Rock is prevalent and they need to expand a little more on the sub characters and bring them up.   Baby Driver was more Fast and Furious than this one was.

Anticipated Sequel : Spider-Man 2 / Avengers Infinity War

Movie not seen that I want to see the Most : War for the Planet of the Apes