Movies Seen : Avengers : Infinity War, Deadpool 2, Solo, Ready Player One, Incredibles 2, AntMan & Wasp, Jurassic World 2:Fallen Kingdom, Won’t You Be My Neighbor, Teen Titans Go to the Movies
Not Seen : Oceans 8, Mission Impossible : Fallout, Christopher Robin
Best Flick - Avengers : Infinity War
Best Dude – Josh Brolin : Thanos : Avengers Infinity War – Yes I’m giving it to a villain. Infinity War is Thanos’s film, and you get a sense of what he wants to do and what he will do to get it done. He has some backstory to his goals and the treachery he goes to do that, including some heartbreak he delivers it excellent.
Chris Hemsworth : Thor : Avengers Infinity War – How far has Thor come in the MCU. He was looked at as a character who’s arc was overshadowed by that of his brother, Loki, in these films and then after how Hemsworth and Waititi changed him in Ragnarok, you really just want to see more. He I thought was the best Avenger in this flick.
HM – Chris Pratt : Star Lord ; Robert Downey Jr : IronMan ; Donald Glover : Lando Calrissian
Best Dudette – Elizabeth Olson : Scarlet Witch : Avengers Infinity War – Of all the female characters in Infinity War, I felt hers was the best and the most emotional and heart breaking. Having to kill Vision, then see him being killed again. And her action sequences were awesome to. Olson’s 2nd win as Best Dudette
Best Scene – IronMan, SpiderMan and Star Lord discussing their plan. The best of this was when Drax said “Mention the dance off to save the universe”, Spidey responds “like Footloose?” Star Lord – “Exactly like footloose! Is that still the best movie ever?” Spidey – “It never was”
– AntMan & the Wasp End Credit Scene – as much as the movie didn’t blow me away, this was EXCELENT and ties to Infinity War perfectly
Best Fight – The first fight for Vision’s mind stone and the reappearance of Captain America and his Avengers crew. AND Iron Man, Dr Strange, Wong and Spidey fighting for the Time Stone.
Biggest Dud – Teen Titans Go To the Movies : I can normally take this show in small doses in the 15-30 minute time frame, but I really just didn’t like this movie. There were some funny moments but nothing that made me wanna go see it again
– Incredibles 2 : Pixar gave us a lil bit of the Cars 2 hangover with focusing too much I felt on Jack Jack, instead of the whole crew. It was a lot better than Cars 2 and a decent sequel but I think it could have been better.
Anticipated Sequel – Captain Marvel (prequel) & Avengers 4