



  •  2 pounds leftover ham, ground in a meat grinder or food processor
  •  1 pound ground pork
  •  2 large eggs, beaten
  •  1 3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
  •  1 cup whole milk
  •  1/4 cup dehydrated minced onion


  •  1 1/2 cups ketchup
  •  1 cup brown sugar
  •  1/4 cup cider vinegar
  •  1 teaspoon dried mustard


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Combine the ground ham, ground pork, beaten eggs, graham cracker crumbs, milk, and minced onion in a large bowl. I used my food processor to chop leftover ham until finely ground. Just be careful not to turn it into a pate. You could also use a meat grinder if you have one.
  3. Mix the ham ball ingredients together gently with your hands. You don't want to overwork meatballs or they will turn out dense and tough.
  4. Shape into large balls using a large cookie scoop or 1/3 cup measuring cup if serving as a main, or smaller balls with a medium or small scoop if you want to serve as appetizers.
  5. Arrange in a single layer in a large 9x13-inch baking dish. Bake for 45 minutes.
  6. While the ham balls are baking, whisk together the sauce in a medium bowl by combining the ketchup, brown sugar, cider vinegar and dried mustard. Pour over the ham balls after they have baked for 45 minutes and continue to cook for another 15 minutes until the glaze is hot and the ham balls are cooked through (so 60 minutes in total).
  7. Serve with rice or mashed potatoes and a green vegetable for dinner or toothpicks for a great party appetizer.

Happy 75th Dad

Happy Birthday Dad!


WandaVision Finale - 9 Predictions

For the past 8 weeks Wandavision has been released on Disney+ and really for the last 4-5 weeks has caused all MCU fans to throw out wild theories and ideas of where this show and the MCU is going to go after the "SNAP"

I didn't do this before any of the other episodes, for a reason I don't know but here we go with where I think the finale is going to send us next week and on into Falcon and the Winter Soldier 2 weeks later.

1.  Agatha Harkness will "lose" in the finale but she will not be gone.  There will be a conflict between her and Wanda, with Wanda thinking she's gone, BUT Agatha has been around since 1683 as we saw in episode 8.  She won't be gone after episode 9.  

2.  There will be a mid or post credit scene setting up Doctor Strange 2.  I think it will involve Agatha and reaching out to Nightmare.  

3.  Vision vs Vision will end in the end of Vision.  Regular Vision can't survive outside the Hex.  White Vision will win, causing more pain for Wanda.  I think there is about a 1/3 chance you see Ultron with White Vision too.  

4.  Wanda will become the villain at the end of this movie initially going into Doctor Strange 2.  By the end she will be redeemed.  Going to borrow a line from DC and Batman, "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

5.  As cool as I think it would be to see Wiccan and Speed in the Young Avengers with Squirrel Girl, etc I think they have to not make it to really push Wanda over the edge.

6.  I think Hayward is not a bad guy, he's a dick.  I think his conclusion will end with Rambeau.  I'm still not sure with his intentions and disdain to Wanda, other than needing a power source for White Vision.  And I'm curious to see how his arc concludes this season.

7.  I think somehow Darcy and Agent Woo end up with what ever org Nick Fury is building.  But I do like the few thoughts of them doing an X files series.

8.  I don't think we see the "engineer" though it would BE AWESOME to see John Krasinski as Reed Richards show up and he be the person that Paul Bettany is talking about.  

9.  I think the person that Bettany is talking about that is the "Luke Skywalker" type cameo will be 1 of 3 people. Best Chance -  Doctor Strange & Mordo.  Hope - Reed Richards.  Dark Horse - Michael Fassbender or James McAvoy as Magneto/Xavier.

Now just counting down till I get to watch this with the kids on Friday March 5th.



A Decade of Ryleigh

It's been an odd 12 months, but we got in some good memories.  And 10, where has the time gone.  QUIT GROWING UP!



Really proud of this girl.  She went out for bowling last year, and was close to lettering on Varsity then.  This year about 70% of the year she has been rolling at the Varsity level.  Today she competes in the State Qualifying Meet.  

I'm just upset that I haven't been able to go see her bowl this year due to Covid restrictions.  But I'm really proud of all she has done.  #GirlDad

I've created a site tracking her scores for the year.

The lil 2 supporting Big Sis Today

Addy Bowled a 138 & 150, the team finished 3rd