

Brayden's RoboWarriors team qualified for State this past weekend at SuperQualifiers.  I haven't been able to go to the contests as they have all been virtual to really see what all these are about but hope to in the next few years.  Brayden has been doing CAD work on the team.  Really cool too see him excited about it and get into it.  I hope that its something that he stays with, think this is a really cool thing that he has the chance to be in.  

The team won an award this past weekend also and placed 2nd in another category.

Way to go Bray!  Proud of you!


Black Widow to Disney+!

Just announced, Black Widow is coming to Disney+ the same day it opens in theaters!

This comes with the $30 premiere fee and if my memory is correct this is the 3rd movie that has done this on Disney+ with Mulan and Raya and the Last Dragon.  I did dish out money for Mulan but waited on Raya mostly because the kids and I had other stuff going on thought it is still on our "to see" list.

This one though, I'll dish over the money right now.  Yes I love going to the theater and all that.  But with 3 kids and me, tickets and concessions this is easy save money in the long run purchase.  

With the announcement from Disney, they also moved Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings to September 3rd.  With theaters starting to open up more but not fully I think Disney/Marvel had to make this move to not get their schedule of releases and plan all backlogged.  

Included along with this announcement is that Disney will also release Cruella, which looks really good with Emma Stone, in the trailer, is also going to debut on Disney+ the same day as theaters.  This is another easy one to give $30 over and save the money.  


Tonight's Entertainment - Punky Brewster

Ryleigh and I went thru the reboot really quick.  Showing her the original now.

Tonight's Entertainment - Falcon and Winter Soldier


This is 43

Not on facebook anymore so thanks to those who took time to remember and text me.  Thanks to mom and dad for coming down and spending the Hawkeye Game with me and this kiddos for being my reason.  Hopefully 43 will be better than 42.