
Tonight's Entertainment Times 2

Part 1 : Disney's Cruella


Color Your World

The weather today may not say beginning of summer BUT the kids finished a crazy year of school.  

At Norwalk the seventh graders do a color run.  This year it was Brayden's turn.


Batter Up, Real world

Game 1 in Ryleigh's softball career is in the books.  She singled her first pitch she saw.  Starting out 1.000 is pretty good.  Followed that up with a K.

Defensively played a little 3rd base and outfield.

Game 2 Wednesday.

Also tonight was Addyson's first shift as a 16 yr old.  She's able to work longer shifts and is a checker now also.  

When she got home I asked her how was it. "im tired dad". Oh darling, welcome to the real world.

Girls on the Run 5K - Spring 2021

Ry completed her 2nd 5K for Girls on the Run.  We didnt have a cold day with 40mph wind in our face, or to our backs.  Was a good course at Raccoon River Park.  I think in the long run she won't be a long distance runner, but when she picks up her feet, she can burst out in front of a pack.

Ry with the metal after the race

Before the race
Ry with friends

Finishing Strong


Marvel Eternals Trailer

  First trailer for Marvels Eternals hit today.  Definitely a different vibe than from the explosions and all that of Avengers.  

Eternals hits this November in theaters.


Sweet 16, wait what?

Holy cow where has the time gone. I remember being in the hospital room nervous as hell to hold you, more nervous to change your diaper and had no idea what to do when you cried.  I even spent minutes trying to wipe your mole off not realizing it was a mole.  Then you were running around with a diaper on your head in your snow boots giggling through the hallway.  

Now you're 16 and have a driver's license, and a car!  2 years from now you'll be graduating.

Happy birthday Addyson!  I love you lots. Enjoy your day, enjoy the car and for the love of God please be safe and slow down growing up.

Update : after the sweet 16 birthday party

SnakeEyes GI Joe Origins

I enjoyed the campyness of the first film, the second not so much.  I think this way they are coming at the GI Joe Universe with an origin of arguably 1 of the top 5 characters if not the top character in the history of GI Joe is a good way to go.

I know some are going to be upset SnakeEyes speaks in this, but he takes that vow after he puts on the mask.  

Here is the teaser of SnakeEyes

Snake Eyes hits theaters July 23.


What's your purpose

Me to Ryleigh: you talk a lot
Ry : I know that's my purpose


HE-MAN Revelations

Holy cow these images look so good.  I was worried somewhat that it would take a turn kind of like what transformers has done on Netflix with their Cybertron war series.  But these look amazing.
Images are from article on entertainment weekly

HE-MAN Revelations premieres July 23rd on Netflix.

And here are the toys from Mattel.  Damn they look good!


MODOK Trailer

OMG this looks funny.  I never thought I would say that about MODOK too.  

MODOK hits Hulu on May 21.

Venom : Let There Be Carnage

 This dropped this morning, and it looks fun!  I'm excited to see Venom vs Carnage but also in the back of my head, will it tie something like Morbius did to the MCU?

Also a new poster was released along with the trailer

Venom 2 comes out Sept 24th.  Interesting also is that everything has said "ONLY IN THEATERS."  Granted Sony doesn't have a streaming service, they do have a deal with Netflix, but this is a sign we are getting back to normalcy I think.  Or planning on it.  

Taco Bowl