Downsizing really makes things a lot easier! Really it does…Thursday night I took my son to grandmas and grandpas since he didn’t have preschool on Friday, Friday night I took my oldest daughter to grandma and grandpas and they got a weekend to spend with them. Both have wanted to spend a weekend there with them and play with gma and gpa. Bray was really pumped to play with grandpa. Apparently on Friday he got to go see where grandpa works. They got home Sunday afternoon and were spent! My son slept from 5pm to 6am….I tried to wake him up for supper and he was out…he woke up for a drink of water and that was about it.
Sunday started out ok…woke up around 730 and just got going. We got the house cleaned and clothes put away. Shawnna cleaned out the van…pulled it in to the garage when the rain started to keep it dry. Then when we went to go leave to pick up the older kids…the van wouldn’t start. First thought was battery or alternator. Tried jumping it with the Honda, and nothing. So called a tow truck. The guy pulled up, put on a “Power Pack” and said the battery was a notch or 2 below where it should be and then it started right up. The numbers increased so it wasn’t the alternator…need to get a new battery this week for it. So that was a $65 jump start. Guess what I get to do this week!
Kids got home and had some soup for supper…except Brayden. As said above he was out. Got some dishes done and lunches made and played Xbox and then it was time for GAME WEEK to start.
But really, downsizing – it’s much easier with one kid, I can’t even remember what it was like with just Addyson. And don’t take this the wrong way, I’d never trade the kids for ANYTHING.
Another best…the US Government/FEMA seemed to have learned something from Hurricane Katrina and Rita that hit New Orleans…they were all ready for Irene that was on task to destroy the East Coast. North Carolina got the brunt of it but saved New York but it seemed like the Govt and FEMA know what to do now…if they could only work like this on economic issues in congress.
Also the US beating Japan in the Little League World Series!
Worst – The damage that Irene did to North Carolina…and also the rest of the East Coast.
Also a very personal worst – Hayden, my dog who turns 8 this December, got hit by a car about 4 years ago, she’s been having some leg issues come back where she got hit and it’s showing now. It’s hard seeing her struggle on the laminate or the stairs, but you get her running she seems fine. I’ve helped her with her food and got her close to her dishes so she doesn’t have to move too much. But it’s just sad.
So College football starts this week, highschool football is in Week 2 (or 3 depending on your pt of view) and things will be happening here in a flurry….so here is the schedule I’m going to try to keep up.
Thurs – Big Ten Football Predictions
Fri – Iowa HS Football Predictions
Sun – Big Ten Weekly Awards
Sun/Mon – GFR Football Computer Rankings
Mon – Best and Worst of the Weekend
Also going to throw in some “Who’s in your 5” and “Lasting Images” and also my movies and life happenings. We’ve had over 1000 hits the last 3 months, let’s keep that streak going!
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