
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2


There may only be 1 other movie with as much hype going into this summer as Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2.  (Spiderman Homecoming being the other)  GotGV2 catches back up with the group of a-holes lead by Star Lord.  The timeline is said to be a few months after the first one ended and starts out with some good action and introduces a some new characters, including Star Lord's dad.  

I was pretty hyped for this flick with the previews and I was totally taken for a spin.  FYI – I don’t go in to flicks by checking out a lot of what is going on and see all the clips.  I like to be surprised in the theater, and I was.  I thought Volume 1 was a great movie and is one of the best Marvel ones, so this one had a lot to live up to. 


The action in the movie, the beginning and the end, is really good.  The first scene with the fight vs the alien is pretty good, a lot of the action is in the background to that of Baby Groot dancing, and the interactions of Ayesha and Star Lord was a continuation from what we saw in 1.  The star battle sequence being video game like and with the sounds, was perfect too, that was almost perfect. 

Ego and the turn of him being in the villain was a shock for me.  I didn’t expect that at all.  They had some Kurt and Pratt and a great interactions but also some that didn’t feel genuine IMO.  Listening to the Comic Book Cast SpoilerReview, I agree with him, how did they not find the seeds that Ego planted?  Really?  In the 80’s when kids were free to wander more, everything was found.  How was that seed not found for 30 years?  So I didn’t like the end plan by Ego.  Trying to use Starlord, Ego then dropped on him a BvS, Civil War twist, of killing his mom.  (Please no more killing mom being the key to the final fight Marvel or DC.)  But the last fight with PacMan was decent. 

The Guardians seem split up a lot too, with Rocket, Groot and Yondu all together, and the Gamora, Drax and Mantis off on their own thing and then interacting with Nebula.  As much as a relationship is between father and son, the relationship with Gamora and Nebula I think was the best part of the movie being sisters.  I’m curious as to where that will go in Infinity War with Thanos in the middle.  I can see Nebula dying and setting Gamora off.  As much of a supporting character that Yondu is I felt that he was more involved than some of the Guardians in the flick. 

I think some of the humor was a little forced, Drax had some great lines and interactions with Mantis, but a few of the lines felt like they could have been done different.  Also at over 2 hours, this movie could have had about 20-25 minutes cut and it would have been just as effective.

Along with Dr Strange, this movie was visually amazing with all the colors.  As little as Drax was I felt involved, Batista did nail that role this time, just like I mentioned a few lines felt forced.  Rooker was good as Yondu, and it felt like this movie was more about him, rather than Peter. 

The post credits were a few too many, really only needed the teenage Groot scene and the Adam Warlock reveal. 

It wasn’t a bad flick, but it’s not great flick.  It will garner a ton of money, and it should, but it was fun to be on the adventures with this group again. 

4/10 Stars

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