
Wonder Woman


I’ve really not a Wonder Woman fan, I view her as a female Superman (I’m also not a Superman fan) and I’m also not really a DC fan, BUT this was  a really good flick and the best thing DC that’s not animated, since The Dark Knight Rises. 

Gal Gadot is PERFECT in this role, and she does some major kicking.  She portrays the Amazonian Princess better than anything in the cartoon and this was written perfect showing her origin, flashing back from her first performance in Batman v Superman. 

Chris Pine brings a nice little comedic humor to the flick and knocks Steve Trevor out of the park.  I kind of compare him to Steve Rodgers (not Capt America) and maybe some Saving Private Ryan Tom Hanks.

The rest of the cast, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, Danny Huston, and rest of Steve Trevor’s crew were excellent.  The battles and action sequences were great too, and I would say very comparable to that of the first Captain America flick.  There are so many comparables to each film that IMO it shows how good both films are.  There is also a nice twist at the climax that I didn’t see coming. 

The payoff of the film is the battle sequence when Diana shreds her cloak and shows off her armor and climbs into “No Man’s Land” and takes on the Germans and leads the allied forces to a victory in battle.

The only negative I would say is I think the final battle/action sequence was a little long. 

The film was DC’s best in a LONG while, like I mentioned.  Gal is perfect in this role and can’t wait to see how she progresses in this universe. 

7/10 Stars

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