
2021 Summer Movie Awards

Movies are back!  Kinda.  We still have some movies moving all around, looking at you Top Gun and 007.  But it was good to get back into a theater and see some flicks after last year.  It's a nice lil piece of normalcy-ish.  With that, the SUMMER MOVIE AWARDS are back!  

Movies Seen : Cruella, Black Widow, Snake Eyes, Suicide Squad, Shang Chi, Free Guy

Not Seen : Fast 9

Best Flick : Free Guy

Best Dude : Ryan Reynolds - Guy - Free Guy : Ever since Deadpool I can no longer watch Ryan with out thinking Deadpool but the dude is just funny and he's can deliver as he did here.

Best Dudette : Florence Pugh - Yelena - Black Widow :  Talk about stealing a movie.  She nailed it and was the best part of this movie.  As good of a Marvel casting as Iron Man & Capt America.  The action and personality that she brought to this role was perfect.  And can not wait to see where she goes in the future of the MCU.

Best Scene : Natasha & Yelena in the gas station and Yelena discusses the "pose" that Natasha always does in fight scenes.  Then calls her a poser.  This comes back a couple times when breaking out the Alexei and also in the Red Room.  Great chemistry between these 2 and this is just funny stuff.  

Best Fight : The Bus Fight : Shang-Chi - By far the best fight of the summer.  It was all action from start to end.

Biggest Dud : Snake Eyes : It might be unfair right now to put this as a disappointment but this felt actually more like a Storm Shadow Origins movie than a Snake Eyes Origin flick.  That being said I am interested to see where this would go in the GI Joe Universe they are building.  I do hope we get to see that world.

Anticipated Sequel : Hawkeye Disney+ series.  If you have seen the ending of the Black Widow flick, you'll know why.

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