
2016 Summer Movie Awards

Movies Seen : Batman v Superman ; Captain America Civil War ; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows ; X-Men Apocalypse ; Now You See Me 2 ; Finding Dory ; Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates ; Ghostbusters ; Star Trek Beyond ; Jason Bourne ; Suicide Squad

Best Flick : Captain America : Civil War – This movie is AMAZING.  I really enjoyed Winter Soldier and the Russo’s made a great flick here too.  This put the dudness I had with Age of Ultron away and puts DC in the corner with their Batman and Superman flick. 

Best Dude :  Robert Downey Jr – Tony Stark – Captain America Civil War : Going to just rename this the RDJ award.  Is there a better role for a better actor ever?  (Minus Harrison Ford Indy & Solo)

Best Dudette : Aubrey Plaza – Tatiana – Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates : Playing on the other side of Anna Kendrick, and then vs Adam Devine and Zack Efron, I thought she nailed a lot of this movie and was up there with the guys as just as funny.

Best Scene : Tony Stark in Queens, NY talking to Peter Parker  and the awkwardness of a teenage SpiderMan and cockiness of Tony Stark.  Also add in the Aunt May – Tony Stark conversation and RDJ-Tomei effect.  - Captain America Civil War
                       : Charles and Erik talking at the end of X-Men Apocalypse, stating their same lines from the very first XMen in 2000 : X-Men Apocalypse
Magneto: Does it ever wake you in the middle of the night? The feeling that one day they will come for you? And your children?
Prof. Charles Xavier: It does, indeed.
Magneto: What do you do, when you wake up to that?
Prof. Charles Xavier: I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul who comes to that school... looking for trouble.

Best Fight : #TeamIronMan vs #TeamCaptAmerica : Captain America Civil War – It was like Hogan vs the Warrior at WrestleMania.  Huge fight scene with all these characters we were given in origin stories.  Spidey is the best since Spider-Man 2 in the film, the Black Panther is awesome, Ant-Man and Iron Man and the rest are all great too.  Marvel seriously is rolling.
                    : IronMan vs Captain America & Winter Soldier : Captain America Civil War – As good as the fight was with all the heroes, this fight is INTENSE!  2 vs 1 and the blows that are landed and hit are amazing. 

Biggest Dud : Batman v Superman – To preface this, I’m not a Superman fan, wasn’t blown away with Man of Steel, and Batman and this world has A LOT to live up to with the world that Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale built.  I don’t mind Batfleck and think he did a decent job, a lot better than George Clooney, but this movie just didn’t seem to hit that Dark Knight – Dark Knight Rises DC worldish.  That being said, I think that Suicide Squad will be a redeemer for the DC World.

Anticipated Sequel : Spiderman Homecoming, Avengers Infinity War, Black Panther, Ant-Man & Wasp and Iron Man 4.

Summer Movies Not Seen Yet :
Neighbors 2
Independence Day : Resurgence
The Jungle Book

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