
Ryleigh - Girls on the Run 5k

 Since Covid has hit, the kids and I haven't had to many activities that didn't get cancelled.  One of the things that did was Girls on the Run in the spring of 2020 for Ryleigh.  She got 3 practices in and then it was axed.  

Cautiously she wanted to do it again and signed her up for it.  Today was the culmination of the fall season of 2020 for Girls on the Run and I got to be her running buddy for the 5K.  

She conquered running into 40 mph winds head on for the first half of the run and then had it pushing us the last half.  We finished in 31:35.  Not to bad for her first 5k and my first on my fixed knee.  Hopefully in the spring covid will be gone and we'll improve on our times.


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