

Thanksgiving 2020 during a pandemic was a lot different this year, but than again what this year has been close to normal.  

The 4 of us stayed here in Norwalk, and did a virtual Thanksgiving with Mom and Dad in Marshalltown and then Mike, Sue & Brendan in West Des Moines.  

We all meet up on Google Meet and chatted for about 30 minutes while we were just getting started to eat.  

This was my first ever attempt to cook any form of turkey that wasn't a slice of shaved turkey on a grilled cheese.  Bought us a turkey roast and well at first it didn't turn out so good.  I sliced into and it was raw in the middle.  Cranked up the heat and about 45 mins later it was ready, along with everything else.  

Along with the turkey made some taters/gravy, stuffing, corn, green bean casserole, rolls and cranberry sauce.  No Thanksgiving is complete with out Bent River Sweet Potato Ale either.  Those always go down smooth.  The kids cheers'd with sparkling grape juice.  

With all that has gone on in the past year, it wasn't the day we originally invisioned for Thanksgiving coming into this year but we made the best of it all.  There was a lot of laughing, and good times.  Got Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving and Garfield's Thanksgiving Special watched and kicked off some Christmas viewing with Home Alone.  

We also got to celebrate the Hawks beating Nebraska for the 6th year in a row!

With Christmas only about 4 weeks away I'm betting we will have the same set up coming up for that too.  Thankful for technology so the kids can all connect.   

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