
Who says you can't have fun in a Winter Snow Storm and Pandemic?

2020 has been a year.  Cancelled vacations, working from home 90% of the year and well today winter storm warnings and that white stuff.  BUT who says you can't have fun in a pandemic AND winter storm.  Nah uh...We're all in this together (so we are told but I don't trust politicians!)  This is a full blown four alarm fun day!  We're gonna have the happ-happ-happiest snow storm pandemic ever.  Maybe.

And nothing says jolliest bunch of nut (I'm the only one home) this side of the nut house than Snow Angels in Swim Trunks.  Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye aren't coming in to tap dance, so it's just me trying bring some jolliness to your side of the nuthouse.  Side Note, Corona if your watching...I'd take an endorsement?

The Finished Product
Not to pat my own back, that's high quality right there

Sorry at the beginning of the video that there was only 1 angle shot, my videographer was a chair with a bungee cord.  We went all out on our production of this video! 

And well there is one outtake video....

Hope you all got a laugh and a smile or both out of this.  2020 PEACE OUT!


Tonight's Entertainment - SOUL

I wasn't sure about this flick going in, and with it getting pushed to Disney+ wasn't sure on that either but as usual Pixar knocked it out of the park!  Great flick, great story and message.  

6/10 Stars


Tonight's Entertainment - Wonder Woman 84


Thank you to HBO Max the kids and I didn't have to go to the theater to watch the flick, and I'm kind of glad.  I pregamed by watching the first movie, that I love, and this was a complete lack luster compared to that.  

And its not because of the acting, it was more the overall story.  Gal, Chris, Pedro and Kristen were all great.  Pedro was almost over the top and totally different from the Mandalorian.  I was curious of casting Kristen as a villain but her transformation was really well done.  Gal was made for this role too!  And young Diana was excellent.  

The action scenes were really good too, not on par to the first but good.  The thing that failed me is the whole "Wish" stone portion.  It was almost like Pedro's character was Bruce Almighty and that was causing the chaos.  Didn't enjoy that.  And the 2 hour 30 min run time felt long.  

4/10 Stars

Christmas 2020

 It's not whats under the Christmas tree that matters, its who's around it.


2020 Yearly Awards

This season is unlike any other and it would be cool to see what these players could have done with a full season.  That being said I'm thankful, as all college fans should be with the season we got in.  Congrats to the 2020 Campus Town Yearly Award Winners.







An Unforgettable Father's Day

My dad, like many his age that grew up in the 50s/60s, became a fan of the most dominant team in baseball.  They won World Series titles in 1947, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1961 and 1962.  10 Titles from birth to high school graduation.  I've got to celebrate 1 World Series with the Cubs in 42 years.  That's just dominant.

Not to mention they had probably the biggest array of stars to grace a baseball field.  You can name them off with out looking them up.  DiMaggio, Mantle, Maris, Berra, Larsen, Ford, and Martin.  They are players immortalized in baseball.  Why not be a fan?

In all that time though, dad had never gone to a game at Yankee Stadium.  The House that Ruth built were all those legends played.  It's a cathedral.  Well was.  2008 was the last year the stadium would host games and then would be replaced by New Yankee Stadium, the House that Jeter built.  I suggested to mom and Mike that we needed to get dad out to New York and we had to get him to a game there.  

We started to get things into motion.  Looking at the schedule and things going on in the summer, we aimed for a later in the year trip, and well who else to go see the Yankees play but the Boston Red Sox?  Dad HATES the Red Sox.  The game Mike got us the tickets for just happened to be the last time the Red Sox would play a regular season game there too.  Perfect.  

Father's Day 2008 the family gathered at Mike's house to unleash the surprise on dad.  This was June, the trip would be at the end of August.

Flying out of Cedar Rapids we landed got to New York during midday Wednesday August 27th.  The plan the first day was to see sights after checking into our hotel at the Waldorf.  Our first sight we hit was a hot dog stand, because of course.  After that the first day we hit Grand Central Terminal, and then made our way up to the top of the Empire State Building.  

The hilarious part of this was dad was commenting about all the people on their cell phones the time we were walking around the city, when we got to the observation deck, he got on his phone and called some buddies about how great the reception was up there.  

First night after the ESB, we ended up at a beer hall for some cold ones.  I ended up chatting with a guy from Seattle in town for the Yanks-Sox series.  Then had my ear chatted off by a lady who was a professor of psychiatry at Columbia.  She was world famous, her dead husband was too and so were her kids.  As she repeated many times in our conversation.  Mike and dad still think if i kept talking to her we had free drinks all night.  I did end up getting us a free round due to my attire of Cubs/Bears gear.  A manager at the place we were at was from Chicago, and gave us a round.  

Mike and I then dropped dad off at the hotel and he and I went out to venture around Times Square.  Hit all the usual spots that make New York famous.  We stopped by Mickey Mantle's sports bar for some beers and watch a lil baseball.  We ended up talking to a guy from Kansas City who was in town for the US Open, was arrested for scalping tickets and ended up having to come back in October to go to court.  We ended the night with "mystery" pizza from Ray's Pizza.  

GAME DAY!  I tell my kids when we travel to wear something Iowa one day and you'll hear a "Go Hawks" wherever you are.  Walking down to the subway that's what we heard.  Dad had his Hawkeye cap on and it ended up coming from a guy from Fort Dodge heading to the game himself.  Small world!  We walk out of the subway and you see the mammoth of the New Yankee Stadium.  It dwarfed the old building.  I haven't been there yet but it is on my list of stadiums to see.They closed off Monument Park and that's the only thing of this day that I would change.  It would have been cool to be able to get in there and see that.  We did get to see it from a distance.  

During the 2008 season, the Yankees were not great and with the way the Rays and Red Sox were playing, they were not going to make the playoffs so we knew this was going to be the last Red Sox-Yankees game in the building.  

During the game dad made conversation with a group of guys from Uruguay who buy and sell alcohol all over the city.  We all ended up talking to them most the game.  As for the game, it was mostly dominated by the Red Sox until the the 7th inning.  Down 2-0 on the first pitch he saw Jason Giambi launched a ball 420 feet over the center field wall.  The place went nuts.  Tie game 2-2.  No action till the 9th.  The Yankees loaded the bases with 1 out, and up again came Jason Giambi.  The Red Sox brought in their closer Jonathan Paplebon.  On an 0-2 pitch Giambi slapped a liner to center field scoring Brian Gardner.  Queue up Ole Blue Eyes and some New York, New York!

I've seen dad pretty happy after some Iowa games (Iowa-Mich 85 comes to mind) but this was awesome.  The ending was great and dramatic, and then to be able to be there and see his reaction, priceless.

If you looks closely I think you can even see a tear of joy.  It was as fun there soaking up the stadium after the game as it was after being in Wrigley in 2016 when the Cubs clinched the Central Division (that post to come).  Just amazing.

Then the aftermath of the game may have been just as fun.  Heading out of the Bronx getting on the standing on the subway platform waiting for the train I got "mugged" by coworkers from back in Des Moines.  My dad's reaction of 'What's going on' was priceless, as was I bet my face.  I knew they would be there but who knew we'd be on the platform at the same time.  

Once we got back downtown we needed to go eat and celebrate.  Walked a few blocks away from the Waldorf to a little Italian joint called Mimi's.  We score the corner table there and spend a good chunk of time there with drinks and celebrating.  Fun Fact, I had my first cannoli there.  I'm pretty sure our bill was doubled due to celebrating with drinks. 

After that we walked toward the hotel and hit a lil Irish pub, Naills.  We walk in and we are the only ones there, order our drinks and start to talk with the bartender.  You could tell she wasn't a fan of our test in music as she kept skipping the country music songs I played on the jukebox.  Then the fun really started.  A couple of guys walked in to the bar, and we struck it up with them.  They were Chinese street volleyball players, born in South America, worked on German cars and drinking Irish beer.  How's that for a combo?  

If Facebook would have been around then Mike and I would have had 2 new friends.  They were on a quest to get a drink at every bar from where they started back to Chinatown, AND be ready to play street volleyball in the morning.  We have no idea if they made it but dad semi adopted two new kids that night.  
Mike and I ended up dropping dad off at the hotel and then went back toward Times Square that night.  Time was a blur but when we strolled into the room at what was about 2 am the best part was dad was still awake and drunk dialed mom back in Iowa.  This day will always be a top 10 day best ever in my life.

The next day was spent hitting tourist spots.  Wall Street, the Statue of Liberty, Rupert's Deli, and getting as close as we could to Ground Zero.  Mike shot down to the Bull and Bear bar to try to get on MSNBC before we returned to Mimi's for another supper.  We must have made an impression the night before because the bartender remember our drinks and dad ended up getting a free tshirt.  We didn't get as rowdy as the night before but Mike and I did go back out after dropping dad off at the hotel again.  About 11 pm dad called my cell phone to remind us that we had a 5 am flight the next day.  

The next day we got home, Iowa and Hawkeye football.  

Fast forward to Father's Day 2009.  First off there's now way to top 2008, but the 2009 gift had a hint of the year before.  I got dad a framed picture of the 3 of us after the game at Yankee Stadium that dad's ticket stub is now in with it, along with a Yankees tie fleece blanket.  

I haven't been to the new Yankee's stadium or Citi Field but I'm going to go out on a limb that it won't beat the first trip there.

Up Next :  Prelude to a Championship


Santa! I know him!

This is one of the traditions in Norwalk that I really love, Santa Claus driving around on a fire truck all around town.  

What made it really cool this year was after the first really big snow the neighborhood kids including Ryleigh were in the cul-de-sac playing King of the Hill and a snowball fight and then chanting "here comes Santa here comes Santa."
That was really cool to see and may have ungrinched me a little bit.

What didn't ungrinch me was what the elf did last night.  I wake up to Ry saying " Dad you better look outside and I don't mean it to snow"
Jolly had a little fun with the toilet paper which is like gold now in the pandemic and used his quarantine jar as a potty.  
But it was priceless to hear her voice the excitement the laughter.  I couldn't help but smile.


Transformers War For Cybertron Earthrise Trailer & Reaction

 Earthrise, the sequel to Transformers: War for Cybertron-Siege, will premiere on Netflix on Dec. 30th

