
Santa! I know him!

This is one of the traditions in Norwalk that I really love, Santa Claus driving around on a fire truck all around town.  

What made it really cool this year was after the first really big snow the neighborhood kids including Ryleigh were in the cul-de-sac playing King of the Hill and a snowball fight and then chanting "here comes Santa here comes Santa."
That was really cool to see and may have ungrinched me a little bit.

What didn't ungrinch me was what the elf did last night.  I wake up to Ry saying " Dad you better look outside and I don't mean it to snow"
Jolly had a little fun with the toilet paper which is like gold now in the pandemic and used his quarantine jar as a potty.  
But it was priceless to hear her voice the excitement the laughter.  I couldn't help but smile.

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