

I love watching movies in the theater, but can get used to these Premium access VOD, especially with the kids and saving some money at the theater.  Tonight I rented Mulan.  It was originally supposed to be released in March and had planned to go see it, but then Covid-19 hit and delayed things.

I had never seen the animated version of Mulan.  It came out while I was in college so I wasn't really into seeing those type of flicks.  My older kids have seen it without me.  So I didn't know what I was getting into.  I knew the backstory, female in a male army, and well Eddie Murphy as the dragon.

Coming in blind, I really liked the flick.  Enjoyed it quite a bit and can see myself watching it again. It was a bit of Star Wars and Hunger Games all in one.  It had great story I think for little girls I thought, that they can be anything, and to also not let that keep them back.  The action was good for a Disney flick, and the side story with the woman/witch was cool too.  Felt at the end like I was watching some WWE too.  Liked that little side bit.

I think this was Disney's best take at live action with humans, and its up there with the Lion King for me.  

6/10 Stars 


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