
You Get A Playoff Bid, You Get A Playoff Bid...

Hello 2021 College Football Season!  Well really College Football with the transfer portal, recruiting, future scheduling on top of spring football is becoming more like the NFL and it is a year round thing.  And I love it!

Big news came this spring that the powers that be are looking at expanding the playoff at the end of the year.  But not just doubling to 8, but to 12!  

My first thought of any expansion, and we all knew that money talks and it was going to happen, would only bump it up to 8, but 12?  That's a big jump, and will fatten a lot of wallets.  I'm not shocked by it at all but also am wondering how soon will this lead the haves from leaving the have nots and forming the super league (see my college alignment post).  Does Alabama & Clemson want to share money with Liberty?   I don't need to answer that for you.

A few questions a rise with the thought of the expansion.  Will ESPN control all of it with players like FOX there?  Will games be hosted on campus?  Automatic Bids?  And is 12 the right size?  Answers to that will come soon. 

Let me air some thoughts.  Expansion was coming we all knew that, especially with 3 of the 4 bids seemingly locked up before the season started.  

The more I think about it, I think why stop at 12.  They should go to 24.    

First off, THE MONEY!  Think of the money that this would bring in?  They are talking going to 12 would triple the money of the playoff.  Going to 24 would just increase it more.

Second you could make this a true tournament.  Give every conference champion a chance.  There are 5 bids that would go to the lower level teams.  That's 5 spots and in the bracket and 19 go to then the major conferences and Notre Dame.  Unless you are going to break off the top tier from the bottom tier this is what should happen.  Everyone deserves a chance.

Third, the bowls outside of the New Years 6, and really outside of the playoff mean squat.  Players are opting out of them because they are meaningless.  This would hopefully do two things.  More meaningful games mean less players opting out.  The top stars keep playing.  Second, it could hopefully kill some of the lower bowls.  There are to many bowls.  It used to be a reward for a winning season to get to a bowl game, and now it's everyone that is average and sometimes less than that.  

Fourth, this can be done in FCS why can't it be done in FBS?  Just because of the bowl system.  The above bracket still keeps the BIG 6 in there.  I still think the travel is overkill but I get still keeping those bowls and traditions alive.  Which really anymore its the Rose Bowl that has the traditions but you are seeing that light dim more and more.

Finally, hey did I say MONEY?  

Welcome back College Football  


Shang-Chi Official Trailer

Ok this looks better than the teaser they sent out.  And is that Abomination at the end?  Also how cool would this have been in the Iron Man Story Arc.  



Socky Socky Sock

 Doing laundry this morning Ryleigh chimes in : Have you ever put your left sock on your right foot?  Ummm...


Out of Style?

Going to Lucky Horse today to get a Father's Day Frozen Old Fashioned Ryleigh popped up and "oh we are going to lucky horse!"  

Addyson responded "how do you know this"

Ryleigh said "Uh yea, you're just outta season"


Masters of the Universe Revelations Teaser

Kevin Smith released the new HeMan cartoon teaser.

THIS IS AWESOME.  Love the connection and how it all looks.  It's my childhood reborn!  He-Man was the first set of toys I got as a kid.  I remember asking Santa for He-Man & Battlecat and Skeletor & Panthor!  I can't wait for this!


Cobra Kai Season 4 Teaser!

How did I miss this a week ago?  Everyone assumed it was Terry Silver coming back I think at the end of Season 3, but can't wait for this!

Cobra Kai Season 4 comes out the last quarter of 2021