
Star Trek Beyond


I'm no where near a Trekkie, I grew up as a big Star Wars fan and basically denounced anything Trekkie.  The USS Enterprise couldn't hold a torch to the Millennium Falcon, and well still doesn't...BUT with the reboot by JJ Abrams a few years ago and Into the Darkness I've started to enjoy the stories.  Today hit up Star Trek Beyond, the 3rd in this series.  Really good popcorn summer flick.  Has the scifi stuff to be all Trekkie but this one adds in more on the ground action too.  Think that's a lil from Justin Lin and his Fast & Furious days.  Really like the development of Bones and Spock's relationship and Bones over all.  I felt he was underused in the sequel.  Also the nod back to the past was really great!  Hope they keep it up with this group and create more stories. 

7/10 Stars

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