
Power Rangers


Ok, so going into this flick I had low expectations from watching the original series and all said instances created after on Netflix with my son. 

This isn't the 1990s cheesy Fox Power Rangers either.  That was a group of kids who were "good".  This, wisely, shows real life kids, with struggles and things to over come.  When the trailer came out I called it the Breakfast Club Rangers.  That's what it is.  And I think it really works well and should work well with today's audiences. 

The opening act gives a nice, quick, history of the Rangers and a lil tid bit of the many different types of Rangers.  The most of the movie then builds on the origins of the 5 kids and becoming Rangers.  Think the first half of Iron Man.  They really aren't Rangers much of the flick, and when they are its all really decent action, but also you get the lil bit of 'cheese' from the 90s which I thought was a nice call back.  The ending had a lil to lack, but really don't all boss fights in movies? 

The kids and Bryan Cranston all did great.  Alpha 5 was good, and all but like the last 15 mins, Elizabeth Banks was a great antagonist in Rita Repulsa.  I thought the end got a little too much catch phrasey and trying to hit all what the original show had and this didn't need.  She needed to go more Loki.

The end teaser though was a cherry on top and exactly how it should have ended!  Overall entertaining popcorn flick.  Not gonna win Oscars but would flip it on the tube when its on tv.

Power Rangers
6/10 Stars

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