After the monster that was The Avengers raking in over 1.5 billion dollars, Phase 2 was kicked off advancing the characters and moving them towards the next team up flick of Avengers 2.
Each of the main 3 got a new film in their trilogies and then the universe got bigger with the Guardians being introduced. Then to round out the trilogy Ant-Man was brought into the MCU.
Iron Man 3
Thor : The Dark World
Captain America : The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers : Age of Ultron
Best Movie
Arguably the best movie of them all 18 MCU films, Captain America : The Winter Soldier is the best of these 6 films. Take away the super heroes and its a great spy thriller. Sebastian Shaw as Winter Soldier is a great antagonist for Capt. Add in the Hydra angle, and Robert Redford, this film is re-watchable many times and could even stand on its on.
Best Hero
As fun as Chris Pratt's Star Lord is in Guardians, the other Chris takes the cake in Phase 2. Chris Evans IS and will always be Captain America as RDJ is Iron Man and Heath Ledger is The Joker. He just embodies what is it that makes Capt, Capt. And it comes out more in his struggles with fighting Bucky at the climax of the Winter Soldier. Add in Ultron, he takes on the leadership role of the Avengers more so. Also this is the best Capt costume he's had in any flick.
Best Villain
Sticking with the theme of Phase 2, the Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes is the best villain. He takes out Nick Fury and helps Alexander Pierce to take out SHIELD form the inside. He pushes Capt to diff level too though Capt doesn't wanna fight him. In the end you get to see him turn though.
Best Moment
Before we get started....does anyone want to get out? The elevator fight scene at the Triskelion with Capt and a bunch of SHIELD/Hydra Agents.
Worst Movie
This Phase has some flicks that could have used some more work, IMO. Thor : The Dark World feels like a need to push the Jane Foster relationship more. It also has the worst villain in the arguably the MCU in Malekith. It also feels like in this phase a lot of the films are forced to also include infinity stones to build up toward Thanos and this is one of them too. As a positive, this does give us the introduction to the Collector.
Worst Hero
You could argue Thor again as his film is probably more memorable for Loki, again. And again his appearance in Age of Ultron is kind of ugh too outside of the Party scene in the first 20 minutes. Also there is War Machine/Iron Patriot in Iron Man 3. But I think the worst hero though is Hulk. I didn't care for the whole relationship with Black Widow at all, again it feels forced. And what about Betty Ross? Is that forgotten now? His fight with the Hulkbuster is his best part of Hulk's phase 2.
Worst Villain
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