
Starting to feel somewhat like Christmas

Yes I'm a grinch, but over the years the kids have tried to warm my heart and it has happened in the past few years.  It still freezes up and needs to re-thaw every year but seeing them and their excitement over this time of the year help.  Addy's eyes and smile last year visiting Santa I think increased my heart size 5 times.  Lord knows what I spend on Amazon doesn't help at all.  

Last night we went to go see Santa at the tree lighting in Norwalk.  Santa really lights up Ry's eyes and really all of the kids.  Ryleigh got to tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas, a Barbie Dream House, the 2020 version.  Yes she knows what each year's house looks like.  In the end we got a cookie, some candy canes and hot cocoa.

Then that damn ELF showed up.  

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