
2017 MLB Predictions

AL EAST - Boston RedSox
AL CENTRAL - Cleveland Indians
AL WEST - Houston Astros
AL WILD CARD - Texas Rangers
AL WILD CARD - New York Yankees

NL EAST - Washington Nationals
NL CENTRAL - Chicago Cubs
NL WEST - LA Dodgers
NL WILD CARD - San Francisco Giants
NL WILD CARD - New York Mets

RedSox over Indians

Cubs over Dodgers

Cubs over RedSox


Power Rangers


Ok, so going into this flick I had low expectations from watching the original series and all said instances created after on Netflix with my son. 

This isn't the 1990s cheesy Fox Power Rangers either.  That was a group of kids who were "good".  This, wisely, shows real life kids, with struggles and things to over come.  When the trailer came out I called it the Breakfast Club Rangers.  That's what it is.  And I think it really works well and should work well with today's audiences. 

The opening act gives a nice, quick, history of the Rangers and a lil tid bit of the many different types of Rangers.  The most of the movie then builds on the origins of the 5 kids and becoming Rangers.  Think the first half of Iron Man.  They really aren't Rangers much of the flick, and when they are its all really decent action, but also you get the lil bit of 'cheese' from the 90s which I thought was a nice call back.  The ending had a lil to lack, but really don't all boss fights in movies? 

The kids and Bryan Cranston all did great.  Alpha 5 was good, and all but like the last 15 mins, Elizabeth Banks was a great antagonist in Rita Repulsa.  I thought the end got a little too much catch phrasey and trying to hit all what the original show had and this didn't need.  She needed to go more Loki.

The end teaser though was a cherry on top and exactly how it should have ended!  Overall entertaining popcorn flick.  Not gonna win Oscars but would flip it on the tube when its on tv.

Power Rangers
6/10 Stars




Maybe a  few #spoilers here, I’ll try to keep them minimal if any.  Logan, I’m kind of still kinda of trying to process.  After watching it, and thinking about it some I think that this movie has to mark the end of what Fox created back in 2000 and then everything else with X2, X3, the spinoffs and the New Class trilogy.  This story should be the end of it.  Either give it all to Marvel or you have a new blackboard going on in the X-Verse with Deadpool being the start of that.  

Jackman is great as Wolverine and it’s the violent bezerker rage Wolverine we should have got years ago, maybe in X3 and all the other spinoffs.  There’s no real explanation of too why his powers are lowering till the end kind.  Unless you read a bit before going they need to I think more about that, maybe a line or two in the beginning.  Patrick Stewart returning in his role as Charles was decent and a nice end to his run as Charles in this story arch.  Laura/X23 was ok, but I would have maybe liked the roll better if she was a little older, say the Rogue age from X1.  Just as a younger kid, I didn’t like.  The villains were different than really any other X-Flick.  Which is ok, with this story they were trying to make it more emotional action than I think a big CGI flick.  It would have maybe been better I think if they could have expanded a lil more if they could have on them.  There were also a few minor little scenes that slowed it down in my opinion and could have been axed but the way they were used they were wrapped up pretty quick.  

Wolverine to me, his nemesis is always Sabretooth, and we saw that in Origins, which was wiped out with the Days of Future Past flick, but would have loved to see it end with a battle with Sabretooth and roll of into the sunset there.  That complaint/critique and the villains is my biggest disappointment here.  The ending, which I didn’t think they’d go that way, was pretty prefect and a sendoff for Hugh Jackman’s incarnation of Wolverine.  He put his stamp on the roll and the ending scene is where I think you get the end of this universe as it is.   

This isn’t a Marvel Cinematic flick, like Dr Strange or Civil War but it’s  one of the Better X films from Fox.
6/10 Stars