
The Night Wrigley Shook

I remember this night vividly.  I was in Ankeny at Jake's watching with a bar full of Cubs fans.  A few LA fans had trickled in and were well outnumbered.  

Along with the beers, the game was going really good up 3-1.  Then the momentum shifted with the Dodgers tying it up at 3.  

As talked in the video, the Cubs got the bases loaded and Miggy went up bat.  It's interesting to hear the scenario on how Madden was going to play it out.  

As soon as the ball hit the bat, I think the bar reacted the way the Cubs dugout did.  Instant celebration.  I started hugging this older man that was standing to my right, and we were jumping up and down together.  I think Jakes shook that night too.  We were all whooping and hollering and smiling after that hit that along with the Cubs, we didn't know that Fowler hit a homer too the next at bat.  

Alas the Cubs won, Miggy was the hero of Game 1.  I ended up crashing at a friends house that night after celebrating into the night.  One of my favorite Cubs games I watched, and I still bring this video up to watch every so often just to watch Wrigley shake.  

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